Visiting the home when looking for a room

Viewing Our Home

flowers blossom

Here at The Flowers Care Home, we always welcome viewing of any available rooms and the home in general. If you would like to see our care manager and have a more in-depth
viewing, we would please ask that you call the home to make an appointment. We do however understand that this is not always possible.

We welcome prospective residents, whether interested in day care, respite or permanent care to come for complimentary afternoon tea to enable you to experience the care offered within the home. Additionally please note regular day care is ideal for this. To experience either afternoon tea or day care please call us to book. 

Prior to admission we will do an assessment. This assessment will be carried out by the care manager/appropriate staff member. We will then be able to make a decision regarding admission based on the residents care needs and requirements and whether or not we can meet those needs and requirements. We will then be able to confirm the cost. Costs are based on room requirement and an individual's needs and requirements.

Thank you very much for showing an interest in The Flowers Care Home and we do hope that we can meet your care needs and requirements and you find contentment and happiness either here or elsewhere.

 Sally and all our staff x